Thursday 27 December 2012

Yesterday, I went 2 apar to renew my sister's license. But then my mamak tell us about our great grandmother that's still alive and aged 103 years. I just know about it. On our way, we passed her house at segong, nenek's birthplace. But then, I made a u-turn when mamak said she's 90% alike my granny's face. I was so excited to meet her. Then, aku ngaku aku pkir nenek aku msh hdup. 98% mukanya mcam nenek. Just nose nenek more mncung than hers and suara is diff. What impressed me more is nya msih sihat. Even pndengaran eh masih perfect and her age doesn't suit her appearance at all. looks like 80's. Aku pkir the one who is 103 years not her. That's why aku bercarik jak msa msuk rmah. paduhal kat dpan mta. memorynya pun ckup kuat. Lekanya cita psal nya ngan nenek aku dlok. Her eyes really made me rmember my late granny... I almost cry.. Miss her...



Taking picture with my lil sister and lil cuzie...

My youngest sister is having a pose.

Back home from friend's house.

It's shoes time!!


P/S: This is my first Christmas without my visible granny. It's quite gloom without her since every celebration, all of her relatives will be here visiting her. No matter how far they are, my granny's house will keep welcoming our relatives. Some of them are not recognised because there are a lot of them. Now, it's different. But, whatever it is, we will never break up because we are one and granny is our legend that we'll remember till death.

Monday 24 December 2012