Thursday 21 January 2016

Mi Madre & Mi Padre

"Family is not an important thing. It's everything." -Michael J. Fox-
          Yes, they're not an important thing but they're everything to me. I am so grateful for being born into this family which is full of love and less hatred among us. Since they're everything, I should show them to the world about how great they can be to me. I bet the same thing goes to you guys too. 
          There you go. Parent's wedding picture. It's an old picture yet memorable. This was the beginning of our happy family. Her name is Maria Deta and we call her mama with 'k' and his name is Budit Elui. Mom is a Land Dayak(Bidayuh) and daddy is a Sea Dayak (Iban). Once, there's a tale saying that Bidayuh and Iban were enemy. Ibanese will slaught Bidayuh people if they met each other. But now, they even marry each other! It's not only them, but there are more mix couple that live happily until today. What makes it great is my daddy is a son to an Iban warrior which trained some enemy's heads long time ago when Sarawak still in the state of colonize. (Sarawak Ranger) 
         My father is a very hardworking man since he has always been praised by his employer due to his neat job and never cheat. Although he seldom do chores at home, we do understand how tired he is once he got back from working. Since he had so many daughters, why would he bother doing it, right? Haha.. Next, he's a strict man and hardly talk to us about our life. That's one of the negative part of him but never mind. That's the reason why we grown into non-social buddies. He helped us for other things like giving us expenses, buying our stuff and send us to colleges. What's great about him is, he never getting old! Still the man from this picture!
        Alright, here I go talking about the most 'kind' mother in this world. Why I said that? Here's the reason:
1) Never shout, never yell but unlike my dad, she always curse.
2) Simply give us money and buy us something unexpected.
3) Sometimes annoying because she never reply our questions gracefully.
4) Trademark answer: 'hmm..'

Haha... that's some of the reason but honestly speaking. She's just too kind and I can't help with that. She can't oppose some of her children's  request. Sometimes, she give up to herself for people's sake. She rather have nothing than watching other's craving for something. She spend her money on everyone. She love helping people and take good care of other's feeling. That's my mom. She's too kind. I love her for that but at some point, I can't accept. And one last thing, she makes a perfect role of a mother and I can't express  that through words but heart.
    Love them so much. I wish time goes by slowly because I don't wanna get older. When I'm getting older, meaning that they're older too. I don't wanna lose them. One thing I used to pray for is to let me go first before them. <3