Sunday, 22 September 2019

If Only Laptop Has High Quality Camera

Hello lovely humans. Welcome to my blog. Thanks for coming by. Today, I had just witness  the most poor camera in this era. I tested my laptop's camera to see if it is still relevant in this era of technology. I had been looking for a laptop with good camera in stores, but I can't find one. I even googled them. Zero. 

So today, I would like to share about this thing because I feel like it is a need in today's era. For your information, I am using ASUS X452CP. My laptop is now six years old, old enough to be registered at preschool (if it is human).
Before any further, let me talk about this camera right now. I can see that it is a very low quality camera. I can say the resolution is very poor since I can't even see my pores (good for me but still bad for the presentation). A good camera shows my pores perfectly. Come on, pores need some spotlight too. I can see that the video produced is really dark. Very different compare to our smartphone. Luckily my nostrils are still win even in this low resolution.

Here I would like to share the advantages if we have a high quality camera on our laptop:

  1.  With good camera on PC, we don't need to transfer video from our camera or smartphone. This could save us some times and workload. Because sometimes when we are transferring 4k videos, it would take so much time and we have to wait until it is done before start editing. Hello, I shoot videos for quite a long time, now I have to wait to edit it? I hate it.
  2. Next is when we record ourselves, we would like to see our reflection to make sure we have the right angle, perfect flawless makeup and make sure everything is at the right place. Imagine reviewing products using laptop's camera. Just wow!
  3. Move on to number 3, with on screen recording where we can position ourselves correctly, it will be easier for us to imagine where to put texts or stickers or maybe gif on the screen because we have the exact size of our video on the PC. Ain't it great. 
  4. Next, instead of looking at our piece of notes, we can refer to our main points on  screen easily. This could be one of the benefit for the person who need a quick video presentation without practicing too much on the point. Plus, the presentation will be much more smoother. Been there, done that. I was a student, now I'm a teacher but I am still struggling with the same s***.

So, to the developer out there, instead of focusing too much on smartphone's camera, why don't you start focusing on PC's camera? I think it will be worth it and I would like to have one. In my experience, students need to choose between a PC and smartphone because we don't have so much money to have both at one. For me, if PC have good quality camera, I will choose it since we make a lot of videos.

That's all the points that I can think of. If you are agree with me, give me a thumbs up and subscribe to my blog. If you have any comment or suggestions about this topic, do comment below coz I would like to know more about it.

That's all from me today. See you in the next writing. 

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